Preventive Methods of Protection Against Computer Viruses:

As you probably know, computer viruses are such a muck that does a lot of harm and is very difficult to get rid of. However, in the modern world there are quite a few ways to deal with viruses. But the best way to fight is not to fall for them, and for this you need to determine the presence of a virus on your computer in time and generally try to “keep them out” of your computer by taking preventive measures.

In fact, everyone decides for himself how to protect his computer from viruses. In general, there are several ways in which this can be done, and below we will introduce you to each of them.

In general, if you summarize quickly, there are 3 main areas that will allow you to play it safe and not get a computer virus. It:

  • Distribution of user rights and disabling unnecessary functions.
  • Mandatory presence of an antivirus, even free.
  • Use of legal programs and their constant updating.

In general, each of these parameters plays an equal role in protecting and preventing your computer. But, to make everything clearer, let's deal with each of these areas.

Distribution of user rights and disabling unnecessary functions

Most modern viruses, no matter what types they are, require launching by the user. However, the violent fact of such a launch is also possible, as, for example, in the case of ransomware. So, make sure you follow these tips:

Never open unknown files on your computer. Such files may appear during the installation of some unlicensed game or program. At a minimum, try to contact the developers of the program and ask about its purpose, and as a maximum, immediately send it to quarantine to the Webroot antivirus or delete it.

Never follow links on social networks or email unless you are completely sure that this link is safe and that a person is writing to you, not a robot. Pay special attention to impersonal users or cliched phrases like “vote for me in a photo battle, etc.” At best, it's spam; at worst, it's a link to a virus.

Be careful while "journeying" through the sites. Especially beware of “Internet roulettes” and sites with “strawberries”. As a rule, both Yandex and Google show a couple of quotes under the name of the site, based on your request. In addition, some antiviruses work in combination with browsers and warn you that the site is unreliable and may be dangerous.

Pay attention to site design. As a rule, a good site has a good design and a few additional plugins. One-day sites used by scammers look much worse.

Always use complex passwords. They don't have to be a bunch of characters. Try to combine capital letters with lowercase letters, add a couple of numbers there, and if you also change the language while writing, it will be generally gorgeous.

Mandatory presence of an antivirus, even free

We dedicated the site to antiviruses for a reason, because their presence on computers is extremely important. Even a simple free antivirus provides good protection for your computer. On our site you can find various popular antiviruses, as well as choose the most convenient and suitable one for yourself. We also recommend that you definitely read our article on the types of antiviruses so that you can choose the perfect option for yourself based on your activities. Pay special attention to the following 3 points:

  • The antivirus is obliged to remove the malicious program, wherever it is. If he does not cope with this, then replace it with a more suitable one.
  • Antivirus should reduce the risk of virus infection in the future. That is, it is the presence of virus databases. How should it work? Let's say a user has caught a virus on a PC. The antivirus detected it and entered it into the database, which is one for all. That is, other users will no longer be able to get this virus, because the antivirus will block this file.
  • Work qualitatively. Unfortunately, little-known antiviruses are often "annoyed" with unnecessary messages or "blank" responses. This greatly hinders and distracts, and leads to the fact that you simply turn it off, because it is tired.

In the case of antiviruses, there are only 2 rules:

  • Keep it on all the time.
  • Periodically scan your PC for prevention.

Do not forget that any antivirus requires proper configuration. We have articles that show you how to do this, so be sure to read the related materials before installing your antivirus.

The last thing we want to tell you about is legal programs. As a rule, their developers value their reputation, so it is almost impossible to catch a virus from official sources.

But, if you download the same programs and games from "left" sites, then it is likely that some kind of virus can get into their program code, which you yourself will launch when installing the game.

However, virus developers use vulnerabilities not only in the program codes of games or applications. Even Windows isn't perfectly secure against hackers. As a rule, this is protected by updates in which developers fix bugs in the previous version of the system. But even here a problem arises, because most users use a pirated version of Windows, and it cannot be updated, because. "Fly off".

When it comes to updates, this applies not only to the OS, but also to the rest of your programs. But when it comes to protection, then Windows is a priority.

Other OS

Windows, with an overwhelming advantage, bypasses any other operating system in popularity. Perhaps that is why most scammers create viruses specifically for it. There is even a legend that there are no viruses at all on Linux. This is not entirely true. Viruses exist, but there are so few of them compared to Windows that it's impossible to even compare.

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