How To Add Exceptions To Webroot Firewall? - Www.Webroot.Com/Safe

 A firewall can be found in most of the recent versions of the computer security software and the same happens to be the case with The firewall which is found in Webroot  as well as Premium Security creates certain rules when a new application is found to be running on the system. The default rules of the firewall make sure that a network or application is safe to use. In case you wish to exclude certain files or programs from the firewall scanning, you can set the desired rules for it and it is the list of Webroot add an exception.

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Whenever you set an application rule, it is organized into groups. Now, you may refer to the section given below to add this exception.


Steps To Add Webroot Firewall Exception

  • Begin by launching the Webroot antivirus on your device.
  • After this, you need to open the Webroot user interface.
  • Now, you need to go to the ‘Protection’ settings.
  • Further, click on the ‘Firewall’ option.
  • After that, you need to select ‘Application settings’.
  • This option can be found present on the bottom of the screen.
  • Next, select the ‘new application rule’.
  • Further, select a group in which you need to put that application.
  • Now, locate the executable file of the app and click on it.
  • Next, click on the desired group name.
  • By using the orange bars you need to set rules for application access.
  • In case you wish to create a new group, then tap on the ‘new group’ option and name it.


If you are unable to set these rules, then you may try reinstalling the software by navigating to


Also, note that you can do the same for the websites you visit and exclude them from getting scanned by the Webroot antivirus.


Define Exceptions In Webroot Antivirus For Websites And Files

(Note: making such kind of exception is not recommended by Webroot as some of the dangerous or malicious files won’t be scanned by it which may harm your computer).


  • First, open the Webroot antivirus and click on the ‘Menu’ icon and then click ‘Settings’.
  • From the General tab, select ‘Exceptions’ and then click ‘Add Exceptions’.
  • You may add exception by typing the file path or its URL in the box.
  • After doing so, click ‘Add Exceptions’.
  • When it is done, you may view the exceptions list and see the changes have been saved or not.


In a similar way, you may also remove a file, folder, or website from the exceptions list. You just need to navigate to the menu of the Webroot user interface and select ‘Exceptions’. After that, you need to complete some simple steps to remove the exception. In case you feel the need to know more about it, then you may simply navigate to the official website of or try resolving your query by searching it over Google.

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