How To Protect Your Server With Webroot? -

 Always keep in mind; whenever the user is accessing the Internet, then it might be possible that you are exposed to hackers. Because hackers can easily figure out your server vulnerabilities and they also have the resources to destroy your organization. If in case, you don’t secure your server then you are putting your valuable data at risk. Webroot team just its user to safeguard your server from hackers. And the user can easily install this antivirus software in their devices through This software secures your devices from unwanted cyber threat like malware and viruses. 

 Secure Your Server With Webroot:

  • Install Less Software:

If you want to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, then you should install less software in your device. If your device has fewer programs, services, and plugins then you don’t have to worry a lot. If in case, you want to reduce the risk of cyber attack then you should not start with a bloated operating system and also keeps the track of all the things you add in your device. It is advised you should only install the programs that you really need. You should also check the dependencies of things because software often requires another software which you do not want.

  • Close All Network Ports, And Filter those You Can't Block:

Nowadays, Firewalls are available on all operating system and is basically used to filter network traffic. It is advised you should limit the opening of Network ports. And the Firewall configuration must have a default policy of blocking and only accept the traffic which you expect and need. Firewall also monitors the incoming and outgoing network traffic and it should secure the open network ports by filtering the network traffic based on IP-address.

  • Use Certificate/Key Authentication:

As you all know that hackers can easily guess passwords and can easily access your server. So, instead of password you should use secure authentication methods which make it harder for hacker to access your server. Key Authentication include SSH authentication which is longer than normal password, blocks automated guessing basically blocks IP addresses if they fail to log in properly, and must have two-factor authentication which uses a second factor along with the password to log in successfully.

  • Check and Update Regularly:

You should take care of your server by checking its logs. You should always check for updates, if you are using the software on your server or just checking the software website. It is advised that you should install the updates when you receives the notification of updates.

  • Install Webroot Antivirus:

You must install Webroot antivirus in your devices for extra protection. It identifies the threat and blocks it immediately. It improves the system performance and safeguards your gadgets from malware and viruses. It also secures your data from identity theft.

For more details about protection, just go to the site of Webroot antivirus through

know here this this link: What is BEC Attacks and How to Prevent it With Webroot?


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