What is the Difference between Webroot Security Cloud and Webroot Security? - www.webroot.com/safe

Webroot is one such security providing software program that is famous among people for all the advanced and latest features that it offers to the users it is through all of these features and the advances that people are able to get the software program working efficiently on the system all the time. Also, the software programs that are designed under the brand name of Webroot are always seen as very well compatible with all the different types of computers and the devices and also the operating systems. www.webroot.com/safe

But there is not just one there are many security software programs that are available under the brand name of Webroot antivirus, so as there are so many software programs available under the brand name of Webroot the users are often found stuck and confused among those products, so this way it becomes very difficult for the users to differentiate among them. Talking about all the Webroot products in one go will again leave the users confused so for now here we will discuss the difference between Webroot security cloud and Webroot Security. 

Nearly all of the functions of both products are similar to one and so it is possible to say that there's no fundamental difference between them but the company has created two distinct names for the two products, which means that there is at the very least a small distinction between them.

There are certain important components that are not there in Webroot Security but they are there in the Webroot security cloud, they are the ones which maintain the distinction between two applications of the same manufacturer.

A detailed list of the components that are available in the Webroot security cloud and not in Webroot Security is given below:

  • Hard Drive Health Monitor: This particular component has been added to the cloud security in order to keep a check on the condition and workings of the hard drive that is there in the computer.
  • Password Checker: This one component has been added to Webroot Security Cloud for notifying and sending a warning to the user regarding a weak or easy password, this way it helps the user in the setup of a strong password that is not very easy to guess thus more security is added to the computer that is in use.
  • Identical Password Checker: This component of Webroot Security Cloud keeps the user notified regarding the use of the same passwords at two different places on the system, if one would use If you use the same password on the system, it could result in a serious security breach. If in case there will be an updated Webroot password manager installed on the system then this component will remain disabled.
  • Weak Settings Control component is famous to scan the system to check of settings that are not secure, and after finding the settings that are insecure, the user is also provided with recommendations for fixing those settings.
  • Security News: This component aids users in detection of secure and safe applications, and it also assists users in identifying websites before they visit to determine whether they are secure or not.

So, these are all the components that establish a difference between Webroot security cloud and Webroot Security, if other than this the user feels the need to know anything more related to the Webroot security software brand then the user should get in touch with the experts at Webroot Phone Number, also the option of live chats and Emails remains open for easy establishment of contact the lines are kept open 24*7. webroot.com/safe


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