How to Solve Internet Explorer 11 Installation Problems?
Problems installation of Internet Explorer 11 can be due to a variety of issues. These issues need to be addressed! The success of the installation of Internet Explorer 11 depends on numerous of these problems. Here are a few steps that can ensure a successful installation.
Adjust Windows security settings to default settings
To tune Windows security settings to default, the following steps must be followed:
- Enter "cmd" in the "Run" tab (can be found in "Start" menu).After clicking "Enter" will execute the command.
- If you have Windows XP on your computer then the following command has to be entered; "secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose"."Enter" will execute the command.
- For the owners of Windows Vista "secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose", has to be typed." "Enter" will execute the command.
- Any messages that flash on the screen following this should be ignored.
Scanning the computer is necessary
The computer can be scanned through changing the antivirus or anti-malware software that is installed on your system. If you don't have the software download an free edition on the internet could be beneficial. However, it will not perform as well as licensed software.
In the short term, renders inoperative anti-spyware software and anti-virus programs.
Sometimes, the antivirus software will not allow the installation of additional software, claiming it to be virus. To stop this behavior you must disable this program. It is done by clicking the right-click icon and then clicking "Exit" or "Disable".
Note The firewall on your computer must be functioning.
Try installing Internet Explorer 11 and if antivirus software was the main obstacle, it will be installed. Then, you can enable the anti-spyware software and anti-virus after installation.
The computer must be booted in the "Clean Boot" condition
There are occasions that the computer isn't in a state of clean boot. This means that the computer will not permit the installation of any additional software loaded into its system. To resolve this issue you must restart your computer from an unclean boot state.
If you follow the instructions then try installing Internet Explorer 11.It will be installed when booting is not the issue region.
Check if there's files that cannot be changed
To verify whether there is any files that are not backed up, the following procedure must be followed:
- Type "%windir%\ie11_main.log" in the search tab (found in "Start" menu)."Enter" will execute the command.
- CTRL+END can shift the ending in the ie11_main.log file.
- Type "rchiveFileForUninstall: ArchiveSingleFile Canceled" in the "Find what" tab.
- Below "Direction" you will find an icon "Up".Click it and then hit "Next".
Now all files that can't be saved are now treated as. Adjust the authorization of Vgx.dll. Vgx.dll file. Internet Explorer 11 can now be installed. If it isn't, "Support" needs to be contact. You might also need duplicate the steps above. If even one step is not executed, the installation process could be delayed.