How to Manually Remove Antivirus System PRO ?
When you surf the Internet on your personal computer, you are at risk of being infected with virus and worms due to external threats. It is possible to travel the globe using the help of the internet and this can be accomplished with simply clicking on programs such as "Google Earth." A person who is located in one area can view their home or office using the aid by the Google Earth facility.
If you leave the Internet connection running continuously could be risky since spyware such as "Antivirus System PRO" and "Windows Antivirus Pro" could infect your computer. The ads to these malicious programs are extremely attractive and new users are attracted to the. If you are caught by it, even when it prompts you to click "yes" to accept it or "no" to reject it, the program can also be able to sneak into your system and the process of bringing it to become a problem-solving hub is. Your computer will start to show pop-ups, adjustments to settings are made and your computer will begin to slow down. This can lead to an unorganized computer's performance, and, in the end, you are annoyed and angry. Do you have a solution to this problem? Are you able to solve the issue of computer from which it is being affected?
Yes it is possible to do this very easily. Sometimes, automatic solutions don't resolve the mysterious issue. So, it's best to opt for a manual solution to get rid of the Anti-virus System PRO by hand very quickly.
Step One
Remove the unneeded advertisements that appear in the form of pop-ups that make your computer more of a procrastinator and you can stop the undesirable process that is taking place. Press CTRL, ALT , and DEL simultaneously to launch Task Manager. The Task manager dialog box will open and after you can select"Processes. "Processes" tab and click it. Under the processes tab you need to scroll down to find these *.exe files: sysguard.exe, uninstall.exe and Antivirussystempro.exe; choose all the mentioned .exe files one-by-one and click on the tab of "End Process."
Step Two
Then, perform a search of your system to search the antivirus System PRO's file. Select"Start Menu" then "start menu" then on the prompt dialog box, select"search" and then click on the "search" option. If you click"search," a dialog box will pop up to search for you using these options , for example "All Folders and files" on the local drive C or D.
After that, type "Anti-virus System Pro" on the Google search box, and then look through these files:
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\conf.cfg
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\mbase.vdb
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\quarantine.vdb
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\queue.vdb
Step Three:
Now you'll be removing the DLL files from your system and which has got the path name as C:\WINDOWS\system32\iehelper.dll:
Select the Start menu, then click on the "run" tab. Then in the search box, enter "cmd" to find Command Prompt. On the command prompt dialogue box type "cd" hit the space bar from your keyboard and then type C:\WINDOWS\system32\iehelper.dll. When your system has found the file, then type "regsvr32 // iehelper.dll" and then press the "Enter" button to continue.
Step Four
Also, search of the local drives on your hard drive such as C or D for "SYSGUARD" as well as "Antivirus Pro" and "SYSGUARD PRO" one at a time to ensure that they've been removed off your computer.
Step Five
Restart the computer in order to finish the procedure.