How to Burn Webroot Rescue Disk to a Flash Drive?

Sometimes situations arise when you need to install an antivirus on a computer that is not connected to a network or the Internet. In this case, you can install the antivirus by first throwing it onto a regular USB flash drive. In this article, we will tell you what and how you should download and reset.

Initially, you must go to the official website of the antivirus manufacturer: In the available applications section, select Webroot Rescut Disk. You download the installation file to your computer.

After that, you must insert a USB flash drive into the PC, and reset this installation file (or archive) to it. However, this must be done in a special way. First you need to create a bootable USB flash drive. Rufus is perfect for this.

We launch the program, select the NTFS file system, and a little lower we set the ISO boot disk. After that, open the installation file of Webroot Rescue Disk, which we downloaded earlier, as an image.

After that, we restart the PC (or insert the USB flash drive into a new one) and select in the BIOS that it first of all immerses the USB flash drive.

We have Webroot Rescue Disk located there. Download it and run the program.

You just have to follow the instructions of Webroot to check your computer for viruses. On this, our article comes to an end, good luck to everyone and sees you again.

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