How to Completely Remove Webroot Antivirus from Your Computer?

Today we will tell you how to completely remove Webroot from your computer, as well as why you may need it.

Why you need to remove Webroot?

There are situations when you have access to a new, more powerful antivirus, fortunately - you have to choose from a huge number of options. However, this is good, because competition is created, which encourages developers to make their creations even more reliable and modern.

Thus, if you have a new antivirus, the old Webroot can be sent to a well-deserved rest, because it “eats” a lot of computer resources. However, you need to delete it correctly, because if you delete it incorrectly, the antivirus leaves residual files that can not only disrupt or hinder the operation of your computer, but will simply take up a certain amount of space on your hard drive.

It is noteworthy that the removal method that we will show you below is equally suitable for any Webroot creations, be it Webroot SecureAnywhere, Webroot Passwords, Webroot Internet Security, etc.

How to completely remove Webroot?

You can use one of the old and proven methods - remove the antivirus through the control panel. To do this, you will need to go to start/control panel/programs and features.

There, in the list of available programs, you can select Webroot and you will see the uninstall function at the top. This method also works very often and correctly.

But in the modern world, there are a lot of different uninstallers, with the help of which inexperienced users remove their programs. And this is where the problem arises. The fact is that most of these programs remove the antivirus piece by piece, i. after that, the residual files of the program remain. And here is a further instruction for just such cases.

Even if you used the uninstaller, it's not scary. Go to the official website of, where you can find a special utility designed to remove applications from Webroot.

The downloaded program will need to be installed, after which, almost immediately, you will be able to select the program you want to delete, after entering the code in the appropriate line in order to “convince” the program that you are a person and really want to delete.

In the case of residual removal after uninstallers, there are situations when Webroot simply does not see some files, as a result of which you cannot perform the desired removal. To do this, try reinstalling the version of Webroot that you had, and then use the program and clean your computer of this antivirus.

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