How to update Webroot online and Without?
Many users of Webroot anti-virus have certain difficulties with updating the program. And it is not surprising, because only one way to update is described on the official website of the developer - through deletion. It is clear that reinstalling the antivirus every time you turn on your PC is nonsense, so in today's article we will tell you about all the ways you can update your antivirus.

How to update Webroot?
As we said above, the developer's website has an answer to this question, but it is so unproductive that you don't even want to use it. Most likely, they meant updating, after a long absence of the owner, or a new download of a newer version of the antivirus.
Among other things, if you have a licensed version of the antivirus and an active subscription to it, then you have access to your personal account. In your account, you can download regularly updated distributions of Webroot Cure It! throughout the term of the license. In addition, in the antivirus settings, you can start automatic program updates.
However, there are other ways that will allow you to install updates. And some of them do not even require the presence of the Internet.
Webroot has one very interesting feature that is related to updating databases. This function is called "Anti-virus network", which will allow you to receive Webroot updates and distribute them to other PCs. It is noteworthy that for this it is not necessary to keep all your PCs connected (for example, in the case of an office). It will be enough if your computers are connected by a local network. In this case, Webroot connected to the Internet will download updates from the online database, and then distribute them to other computers that do not have an Internet connection.
Flash drives
Similarly, you can install an antivirus update by first downloading it to a regular USB flash drive, and from it to the desired PC. However, remember that for this you first need to remove the lock in the lower left corner of the program, which gives you access to its changes (when you start it from a plate of hidden icons. After that, you must go to the "updates" item. Next - open the advanced settings item and select " update mirror". In the mirror, you will have to specify the path to the folder (or flash drive) on which the update for the antivirus is installed.
Manual update
To do this, you will need to open the antivirus in the hidden icon bar. Next, you will need to open the lock, which increases your access level to administrative. Select "Updates" from the list that appears.
Make sure that the official servers of the developers are indicated in the update sources, or, at worst, the anti-virus network of the program, which works just as well.
In general, these methods will be enough for you, even if you need to update several computers that do not have access to the Internet.