Why is Webroot blocking all websites?

Recently, many users have had problems when Webroot antivirus completely blocks their access to any sites. In fact, this problem is not so uncommon. There are several reasons and ways to solve them, due to which this happens. And in today's article, we will try to tell you about the bottom of everything, and also tell you how to solve this problem. www.webroot.com/secure

Failure of the antivirus and the first reason why Webroot may not give you access to various sites is the failure of its work. Now there are viruses that directly affect the operation of the antivirus, can delete or repair its code, or even disable its functions on their own. Sometimes this is treated by simply restarting the computer, sometimes by disabling and enabling the antivirus itself, sometimes by reinstalling it. Try to do all this in order of difficulty and if nothing helps you, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Real sites feature

Recently, Webroot has introduced the "real sites" feature. The responsible for ensuring that you use only the original sites and do not go to various third-party suspicious resources.

You will find this function in the browser menu, in the "protection" section. Go to the "Real Sites" section and try turning this feature off and then on again. If you can’t access any site again, then just try deactivating it by turning the feature slider to inactive.

This is the most common problem because Webroot is a real alarmist and will block all unauthenticated sites altogether. Of course, this function is very useful, and if it still worked correctly, then there would be no price for it, and so - various failures and malfunctions constantly occur.

Problems with the browser itself Such a problem in 90% of cases occurs in situations where you use a browser that is not downloaded from the official site. In simple words, you are using a pirated version of the browser. In this case, Webroot is quite capable of perceiving your browser as a threat. In this case, we recommend that you download the same browser from the official website (you can read about it here). If Webroot still "swears" at the browser downloaded from the official source, then it must be added to the exceptions. webroot.com/secure

In this case, in the browser menu you will find the item "exceptions". Just open the menu and in the general section find the corresponding line. In it, specify the address leading to the root folder with the browser on your hard drive. Add this folder to the exclusion list. If this does not help, reinstall the antivirus or use an analogue from another manufacturer.

That, in fact, is all, dear readers. This concludes our article. If none of these methods helped you, then write in the comments about your problem and we will try to help you. This concludes our article. We hope you found it useful and informative. 

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