How do i find and remove viruses on Android?

Surely you already know that viruses can infect not only computers, but also equipment. Often, Android-based mobile devices also become “victims” of viruses. And in today's article, we will try to tell you how to detect viruses on your smartphone, as well as tell you how you can get rid of them. As with computers, phone viruses also come in several categories, which act accordingly. That is why we will first introduce you to the types of viruses on Android, and then we will teach you how to remove them. Types of viruses on Android smartphones Fakes are viruses that disguise themselves as famous games and applications for smartphones. Most often, such viruses are disguised as social networks. In fact, everything works the same way as on a PC. You yourself download and install a virus on your phone, thinking that this is the application you need. The program works immediately. This can be expressed in the work of any other type of virus. The malicious code of t...